In Pictures – Building a City in Nature 


Without question, we have Mr Lee Kuan Yew to thank for when he first envisioned Singapore as a garden city, one that is clean, lush and beautified by year-round blooms.  

To continue this vision and more, the PAP (together with our MPs) have been working hard at providing Singaporeans with ways to immerse themselves in nature and thrive in a green and liveable city.  

Making room for green spaces  

Land might be scarce, but ensuring enough recreational spaces for Singaporeans to relax and socialise has always been a national priority. Opening the KPMG Wellness Garden at East Coast, Minister Indranee Rajah was excited to share that the new green space is designed with inclusivity in mind. With features such as barrier-free paths and wheelchair-friendly trampolines, the garden is a multi-generational garden for persons of all ages and physical abilities, noted the Minister.  

Up north, residents can now enjoy two therapeutic gardens designed to be calming and provide visitors with a tranquil environment. For those keen to have a nice foot massage or test their pain threshold, why not try walking around the foot reflexology path, quipped MP Ms Poh Li San (Sembawang GRC)? Judging by her huge smile, it ought to be a relaxing experience.  

Building pockets of urban gardens 

While our apartment-style living limits us from becoming bonafide farmers, plenty of community gardens ensure that Singaporeans have an opportunity to grow and harvest their food. Moreover, it helps cultivate a kampung-style camaraderie among neighbours. As MP Mr Liang Eng Hwa (Bukit Panjang SMC) shared during the re-opening of the Bukit Panjang Zone 8 Community Garden, “Community gardens truly contribute to a sense of shared purpose and joy.”     

Of course, the greening of Singapore can also start from home. Joining her residents for a tree planting activity and learning workshop, MP Ms Joan Pereira (Tanjong Pagar GRC) felt heartened to see adults and children alike taking home tips to begin their urban gardening journey.  

608,487 million trees and counting  

It is more the merrier when it comes to trees in Singapore. With a goal to plant 10,000 trees to mark the birth centenary of Mr Lee, the LKY100 Tree Planting Days is still going strong and a part of the One Million Trees Movement to restore nature to the city.  

Keen to make their estate greener and celebrate the legacy of Mr Lee, MPs including Mr Saktiandi Supaat (Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC), Ms Sim Ann and Mr Christopher de Souza (Holland-Bukit Timah GRC) have rolled up their sleeves, trading pens for spades to plant as many trees as possible in their constituencies.  

As for MP Ms Jessica Tan (East Coast GRC), tree planting is also a time to galvanise the community and co-create a greener future. It was a magnificent display of teamwork as community partners, grassroots leaders, and residents planted 200 young trees along Simei Park Connector (PCN), shared MP Tan. “In years to come, these will provide shade to residents who use the PCN and a greener environment for all.” 

A clean and green Singapore 

Finally, it is not only greener surroundings that make us appreciate nature, but a cleaner one too. MP Ms Rahayu Mahzam (Jurong GRC) is aware of this and keen to encourage everyone to take care of our common areas. 

“Simple acts by throwing litter into the bins will go a long way in ensuring our neighbourhood is well maintained,” shared MP Rahayu as she joined residents to pick up litter around Toh Guan estate.  

Meanwhile, MP Mr Patrick Tay (Pioneer SMC) joined union workers from ams OSRAM to help pick litter as part of our sustainability efforts for a clean and green Singapore. And in doing so, it is also our way of showing care for cleaners, who labour hard to keep our environment in tip-top condition.  

Together, everyone can play a part in transforming Singapore into a city in nature. 

Photo Source: SG Green Plan/ Indranee Rajah/ Poh Li San/ Liang Eng Hwa/ Joan Pereira/ Sim Ann/ Rahayu Mahzam/ Patrick Tay via Facebook