For an extra boost this festive season, do use your household’s Community Development Council (CDC) vouchers from 2021 and 2022 if you haven’t already.
They expire on December 31, 2022 (don’t worry, more CDC vouchers will be given out in January).
In case you’re wondering, the vouchers are usable across the neighbourhood. Look out for participating heartland merchants with this decal:
Details on how to claim the vouchers are here, as are instructions on how to donate them to the less fortunate.
Approximately one in twenty Singaporean households have not yet claimed their 2022 vouchers.
“To date, we have close to 20,000 heartland merchants and hawkers on board the CDC Voucher scheme,” said Minister of State for Trade and Industry Low Yen Ling at the Singapore Heartland Enterprise Star Awards 2022 earlier this week (Dec 20).
“This has resulted in increasing the dollar spent and business activities in our heartlands.”
In total, over $218 million or 92 per cent of the total amount of vouchers claimed, has been spent at participating businesses.
E-payment is possible with these vouchers.
$300 more in vouchers coming in January 2023
There are also CDC vouchers worth $300 for every Singaporean household arriving from January 3, 2023.
“This is part of the Government’s Assurance Package to help Singaporeans cope with the cost of living,” said MOS Low about the vouchers, of which $200 each are funded by this Package.
“This move to raise the level of assistance via the CDC Vouchers will put more daily essentials and goods into the hands of Singaporeans.”
These January 2023 vouchers can be used at major supermarkets as well as heartland shops and hawkers.
“We hope Singaporeans will continue to support our local businesses with their patronage,” said MOS Low.
Kudos to heartland entrepreneurs
Speaking about local businesses, the Government’s ongoing $50 million Our Heartlands 2025 programme is helping heartland enterprises grow.
Launched earlier in 2022, this initiative aims to digitalise and revitalise heartland shops over the next four years
Those e-payments for the CDC vouchers? Our Heartlands 2025 will deepen those and other digital capabilities for more heartland shops. It’ll revitalise the heartlands to attract more customers. It will also help trade associations and chambers better support heartland enterprises.
“I trust that this concerted drive to develop our heartland shops will strengthen and bring these enterprises to new levels of growth and transformation,” said the MOS.
She gave kudos too, to the heartland merchants supporting the CDC voucher programme and who trusted merchant associations and tertiary students enough to collaborate and innovate together.
“As our heartland enterprises continue to display a can-do spirit, there is no mountain too high that cannot be conquered.”
“We are with you on your journey of transformation and growth,” she added.
“As you adapt, innovate, upskill and become more adept, you can also leverage the strength and synergies of partners and programmes with the Government, merchant associations and industry to take your enterprise to higher heights.”
Cover image credit: Community Development Council